Rainbow Reiki® is a system of spiritual healing, a light and energy work which is based on Usui Reiki – a method of spiritual healing by laying on of hands that has its origins in Japan.

It acknowledges today’s challenges of daily life in terms of our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing as well as the amount of time we have available, by offering adequate modern solutions.

Rainbow Reiki (C) Säulen

The methods used are versatile, highly effective, time-saving compared to conventional Reiki sessions and can be applied very specifically to a vast number of disharmonious conditions.

Thus, there should be hardly anything left that could prevent you from applying the methods, and you can take more time for yourself, your life and for the support of your developmental processes.

What does a session look like?

Using Rainbow Reiki® is a combination of directly laying on of hands, contactless energy transmissions over long and short distances and the use of mantras – i.e. sacred words – and symbols, which encourage an alteration of one’s inner landscape and outer life structures. Healing stones or essential oils can also be included in this method.

And how does Rainbow Reiki® work?

It primarily has a relaxing and harmonizing effect. The spiritual life energy supports body, mind and soul to get back to their natural state of balance by activating your self-healing powers. Blockages and tensions will be released and subtle energies start flowing again, leaving you with a much more positive body consciousness.

Rainbow Reiki® also supports the transformation of your life processes that direct you towards your individual soul path. Coming from a place of serenity and love, you will be able to deal with your life in a much more creative way and break new ground.

Does it mean Rainbow Reiki® could almost do anything?

What Rainbow Reiki® cannot do is replace the necessity for you to make a conscious choice to live a healthier and happier life, whatever that may look like in your case. What it can do, however, is to support you in your process of personal transformation to get there.