What is this seminar about?
This stage of Three-Rays-Meditation is about opening your heart center further and connecting it step by step with the great Cosmic Heart. Besides the experience of love and emotional security imparted during the process, important spiritual healing forces will begin to awaken in you, which primarily promote your own evolution, but also the evolution of the human community. It is about understanding the power of the heart, the essence of spiritual love, the meaning and purpose of your life and life in general.
At the core of this level lies the comprehensive learning and integration of a repeatedly applied self-observation from a deep loving attitude towards yourself and other beings. Only what you are able to see about yourself without prejudice, what you are willing to accept and love about yourself, can get out of the shadow, out of the repression, into the light – and heal. Healing in this sense means to become WHOLE again, to accept and love all parts of yourself.
Therefore, during this important stage of evolution, you will often become aware of grief: the grief of feeling distant from your own individual essence and the inability to follow your soul path. The grief for the wounding inflicted on other beings because you have followed a path of self-alienation, as well as the associated fear of losing the love of other beings. Grief due to the perceived separation from the divine, the grief of suffering from and in eternal futility
The intuitive use and creative synthesis of the very powerful symbols, the mystical prayers and spells of three major Archangels, in conjunction with the applications of the 1st level of Three-Rays-Meditation all contribute to the healing of this grief and allow you to truly feel love for yourself and other beings. They make this level a unique developmental stage of your personal priesthood, to autonomously approach spiritual beings, teachers and patterns of existence, to understand yourself as a channel for divine energies and qualities; to use them for yourself, to practically live them and make them available to the other beings of this world.
God is primal cosmic energy, the love in your body, your integrity, and your perception of the nature in you and outside of you. (Wilhelm Reich)
Seminar details
- initiation into the spells and healing prayers of three Archangels
- initiation into energy of the Circle
- exercises and rituals with the power of the Circle and Archangel Gabriel
- setting up a power spot with the energy of the Circle
- initiation into the energy of the Pentagram
- the meaning of the Pentagram – banishing and manifesting
- exercises and rituals with the power of the Pentagram and the Archangel Michael
- initiation into the energy of the Cross
- exercises and rituals with the power of the cross and the Archangel Raphael
- The spiritual heart centre diagnosis – what supports and blocks you on your soul path
- the grief work with the energy of the Cross and Archangel Raphael
- purification rituals with the energy of the three Archangels
Things you get:
- a comprehensive manual
- a certificate for participating in Three-Rays-Meditation Level 2
Three-Rays-Meditation Level 1