Do you know this?
The desire to have the Creative Force on your side, to feel the tailwind in your life, to feel supported in your being, to be a successful co-creator, to have a hotline to miracles, to manifest whatever you have in mind?
And what does it take?
Positive vibrations, pleasant feelings, light and love, a particularly high vibrational frequency? Does it require knowledge of dark emotions, knowledge of low vibrational energies and the appropriate defence mechanisms to not let them into your energy field in the first place? A pure soul? Do you believe there are souls that are not pure? Does it take positive thoughts only? Does a negation in a prayer already spoil the connection to the Divine, can the universal ear not handle the word “No”? Is that the reason why you are not heard, why you don’t get an answer to your requests, what you are asking for? Do you first need to align to what we define as positivity in order to be accepted and taken seriously by the Divine?
Can you think of anything else that it takes to bring you closer to the Divine? Do you think that fears, sadness, anger, resentments, envy, longings, and the desire for some deeply human physical pleasures also have a place or that they are rather a hindrance on your way to success, the blocks that keep you from getting the support from above, from light beings or angels?
Is that really so?
It amazes me every single time when I begin to imagine how big the universe is, the cosmos, the totality of the material world, of what we know as space and time, everything we can see and experience. The visible realm alone is about 92 billion light years large and unbelievable 13.8 billion years old. In this infinity, the Creative Force has created an infinite variety of manifestations of matter, on planet Earth alone, where some of these manifestations get extinct before we even get a chance to see them. The universe continues to expand yet is held together by the force of gravity, it is a miracle how everything works together and the processes of life intertwine.
Do you really believe that in all of this the Creative Force cannot handle the word “No”, cannot deal with you having a bad day, you being in a bad mood, being anything but the perfected form of light and love? Do you really think you get anywhere by only using your mind and telling the Creative Force what it is, what it may accept and what not, what belongs to it and what doesn’t?
What makes you think that emotions like anger, sadness, resentment or envy prevent the Creative Force from creating and that it doesn’t want to include you? Doesn’t want to work through you? That the Divine Order, which defies human logic anyway, allows itself to be upset by negative thoughts of a human being? Do you think it’s a good idea to divide the Creative Force into good and bad? Because that’s what it’s all about if you see yourself or other beings that way, declaring certain parts acceptable and preferable.
Where does this come from?
We have been conditioned to think this way for thousands of years. This aspect is a hallmark of the patriarchal system we live in. Up there, somewhere out there, is a God who we must have on our side and whose rules we must obey in order to be accepted, to belong to Him, and be rewarded with access to heaven at the end of our days here on earth. That there is a God who either grants wishes, answers prayers or not, who punishes us depending on how we have behaved and obeyed the rules, which are often not even really known to us.
This idea has very often been wrapped up in new age language and sold to us as spirituality when it comes to the Creative Force, our role in it and relationship with it, but strictly speaking it is nothing more than the old idea of Christian religions.
And what does your own experience tell you?
How many people do you know or have heard of who are great healers or teachers, but as a human being far from “perfect”? What does “perfect” even mean? Who, among other things, smoke, drink alcohol, eat meat, have sex and swear from time to time? How many people can you see who have a lot of money and become even richer and – at least seen from the outside – do harmful things in relation to the environment, people, animals? Who waste their money for things that seem to be useless to you and me? How many people try to live the rule-consistent right way and still never have enough money or just seem to have a lot of bad luck in life?
Have you personally experienced that you wished for something, e.g. money, recited all the positive affirmations, were in a positive mood, and yet your wish did not come true? Or vice versa, that something fell into your lap, so to speak, although you may not have used any affirmations at all and your thoughts about it were rather negative? In the first case, your unconscious has put a spanner in the works, because if it is part of your unconscious belief system that money is the root of all evil, then it will be difficult despite affirmations. Conversely, it can also be that on an unconscious level you completely agree to have money available to work with, but your conditioned mind rejects this idea because in your life, in your environment, your family, you have heard again and again that money is the root of all evil, and therefore something you better do not have.
Why do we want to believe that we know all the natural laws of the universe and especially the secret to get the Creative Force on our side?
In the end, it’s all about the need to control. Where there are rules that our mind can comprehend, there is also predictability, reckoning, controllability, because all you have to do is follow the rules – and in the end it is about having power – or rather the illusion of it.
We subdivide the Creative Force and we subdivide ourselves. What the Creative Force wants and what it doesn’t want, what it takes to get it on our side and what doesn’t. And then there is us, there are good feelings, bad feelings, good thoughts, negative thoughts, we are too this, too that and too the other, the Creative Force accepts, the Creative Force rejects. We belong to it or we don’t belong to it.
Now imagine the Creative Force. Try to put yourself in its position. So, it has created the infinite, experiential and energetic reality, only to have us explain to it what it is and what makes it tick. What is acceptable and what is not. What it understands, what it doesn’t understand. What is of value and what is not. Just as we do with ourselves. We declare to ourselves, or to each other, who we are by accepting parts of ourselves and rejecting others. By only wanting to understand what the human conditioned mind and our human logic allow us to understand, the rest we declare as non-existent or not belonging to us. In the end, it is one and the same process, because the Creative Force has also created us, including everything we love and do not love about ourselves.
And that is where our strength and our power – lie buried. The energy and life time we spend breaking ourselves down into multiple parts and judging, condemning those parts, not being all of who and what we really are, suppressing many of our impulses or physical needs. By keep working at a place or being in a profession that doesn’t make us happy, by playing a role in our social environment that has been imposed on us and which makes us sick in the long run. By not being able to or allowing ourselves to fulfill our sexual desires.
The power over ourselves, the power to live from the inside out, self-determined, instead of being at the whim of outside influences.
The power to think, feel, decide and act for ourselves, to shape our lives instead of simply reacting to anyone and anything. In that way, I believe, we are closest to the Creative Force, because it has created everything. Everything. Including us. There are no exceptions.
If you accept yourself with everything you are, you also accept the Creative Force with all its manifestations. Because if we are divided in the described way, we do not have available the entire spectrum of our personal gifts. All of our thoughts and emotions can expand our understanding, possibilities of perception, decisions, actions, the way we deal with our life. Then there is a good chance to experience the good opportunities in life, the precious moments of learning, meaningful encounters and sometimes real miracles.
What do you choose from this diversity in oneness?
After all, what matters are the criteria by which you ultimately decide which of those opportunities to use. My favourite North Star combination is called Love, Consciousness and Personal Responsibility. So when my thoughts and feelings lead to a decision and an action, I ask myself whether I and/or someone else will be able to love more afterwards, whether my consciousness or that of others will be expanded and whether I can take better care of my responsibilities for my own life, my condition and my soul contract and/or if someone else will be enabled to do so.
Don’t let anybody talk you out of your potentialities, don’t let anybody take them away. Get to know and accept yourself a little better every day. Try out something new in your life, allow yourself to creatively be. Then your life will become an interesting adventure. In my experience, what then gets a good chance to manifest in life is what suits us and our soul path well and what we might not even have dared to ask for. The Creative Force puts gifts on our way, which we wouldn’t have seen before. And why would it not? Because in that way it expands its – our – manifestations. And it can do that best when we are one with ourselves, one with it.
Or do you have a rather divided opinion on this?
© Peggy Vogt 2023
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