The brand new Rainbow Reiki® Wizard class by Walter Lübeck® offers a great number of groundbraking new techniques of energy work which give you a unique experience with regard to their benefits and intensity. They also close quite some gaps in our energy toolbox!

It is now possible to experience the Usui Reiki symbols and their associated light beings in an entirely new and beautiful way. I am particularly impressed with working with the SHK symbol and the goddess Kannon.

Thinking that I might be in a very diffcult situation with a friend, I asked Kannon to help me and completely fill me with compassion towards my friend and also towards myself; to help me to completely forgive the other person – and myself.

Only after one or two sessions I had noticed a huge difference in myself. I was able to look at the same situation in a new way and change my perception completely. I was able to appropriately evaluate what had been happening but I could also see that my life most certainly did not depend on it. Everybody does and says what they think is best at any given time and it does not make any sense to block the flow of life, to try and change people and situations and adjust them to the needs of one’s own ego. Further asking Kannon to help me to forgive my friend and also myself for my inappropriate response towards his behavior, I feel now that there is nothing left to forgive. I could take the whole situation to my heart, the very situation that did not agree with my idea of how life should have been. But it was just that, an idea and my hurt ego… This new and relaxed attitude made it possible for me to look what other presents my friend and the same situation held for me and our next meeting was full of love, free of tensions and filled with sympathetic communication.

I love it how this little but huge exercise completes the circle and leads us to Usui’s five Reiki principles and helps me to actually apply them in everyday life. Just today, be kind to other beings…